5 Simple and Effective Parenting Tools | Author Roma Khetarpal


Roma Khetarpal ("The 'Perfect' Parent: 5 Tools for Using Your Inner Perfection to Connect with Your Kids") shares simple and effective parenting tools for strengthening the parent/child connection. We talk about the easiest and most effective way to get your children to problem solve for themselves, the difference between guidelines and rules, the first step to take when a meltdown is coming (child's or parent's), her daily "Take 5" approach, and Ellie realizes she needs to wash her own mouth out with soap (verbal hygiene). In addition, Roma reflects on what she has learned raising her children in America after being raised in Kuwait by her Indian parents.

Buy: "The 'Perfect' Parent: 5 Tools for Using Your Inner Perfection to Connect with Your Kids"

Today is also the launch of Susan Stiffelman's free "Parenting in the Digital Age" series! A free online telesummit February 23, 24, 25, 26 (and available to buy after that). Wondering how much is too much when it comes to screen time? Trying to decide whether your child is old enough for a cell phone? Worried about how much your kids are on social media? Join parenting author Susan Stiffelman for a free series on Parenting in the Digital Age. Speakers include Byron Katie, Alanis Morissette, Dr. Dan Siegel, Glennon Doyle Melton, and a host of other experts in the field. Click this affiliate link to sign up!

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